Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

I said a little prayer this morning, for all those who lost their lives and the families still mourning their loved ones. It is so hard to believe that it has been 8 years since that horrifying day. I can still remember how I was feeling, how all of us were feeling. Keeping in that same mode I turned on my MP3 player and listened to "If I Give Your Name" by Emma's Revolution. The song really portrays the plight of the undocumented workers that died and their families. It is such a fantastic song because it helps us remember our compassion. We always forget our compassion when immigration, particularly illegal immigration is discussed. I of all people could be angry as I am unemployed myself, but I can't help but feel for all people who want a better life. I want a better life so why wouldn't anyone else? I'm sure when some read this they will be angry at my stance. I understand that, and they have that right. I just hope that they will listen to the song and try to remember who we are. As Americans we are generous, intellegent and yes, compassionate people. Let us not forget that.

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