Monday, August 31, 2009

Movie and a Rant About Movie Theatre Patrons

I went to see "Julie and Julia" this weekend and wow, what a great movie it was. Meryl Streep was as brilliant as ever.....I highly recommend it to all. You'll laugh, cry and want to eat after. I now must go to my local library and get in line for Julia Childs French cookbook.

That said, I want to rant about one of my biggest pet peeves: Talking in movie theatres. Why do people feel the need to make constant comments throughout the running of a film? It is so distracting and rude. For anyone reading this that talk in movies......if you are tempted to even say one word during a movie....don't do it. Think about the fabulous conversations you can have at dinner afterwards.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Tony Bourdain in Denver

I just heard that Tony Bourdain (famous for his show No Reservations on the Travel Channel) is coming to town on November 18th.

I Do Have People Skills, Go Figure

I was riding the bus the other day and texting someone I was supposed to meet later. It was beginning to storm and I wanted my friend to know I was OK, when a dude walked up to me and asked "do you have a phone I can use?" I just shook my head no. He gestured to my phone and said "but you got one right there in front of me", to this I replied, "yes, I have a phone but you can't use it". Then he asked "why do you have to dog me, and be all manipulative for...." I just said, "I don't know you, I'm not manipulating you, I told you the truth". He couldn't argue with that and left me alone......I guess a bit of truth was just the ticket.

Monday, August 24, 2009

To Change or Not to Change

I recently went to a career counseling class to see what else I might be good at. I was very surprised at what I tested well for. According to my many tests and scores I should be working in Health Care, namely: radiology. I do find the field interesting BUT I was still shocked. I already have a B. A. in Psychology and I was thinking about going further with that but my tests showed that I was less suited for counseling....huh, go figure. I see that Community College of Denver has a program, Great, its a 3 semester program, OK.....pre-requisites: English composition, no problem, Intro Psychology or Intro Sociology (I have taken both), something called Intro to Medical Terminology, sounds fascinating, Intro to Radiology, excellent.....then I get to the kiss of death: Mat 121 or higher. I think uh that Math? I look it up in the course catalog and yes it is, Algebra to be exact; my nemesis, what almost prevented me from getting my B.A. in the first place........
I am really excited about making a career change and applying for the program but suddenly I am freaking out. I now must figure out if I willing to put myself through that hell or re-evaluating this whole thing. Ack...the drama.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Cuss Word Substitutes

I am trying to not be such what my other half calls "a sailor" so I have been trying to substitute my usual favorites with some substitutions:
Holy Jebus, cheese doodles, son of a biscuit, and cheese and crackers come to mind.......
But its hard. What can I say, I'm a work in progress.

Yay...Top Chef is back!

I really enjoyed "Top Chef Masters" on Bravo. How awesome that one of my favorite chefs Rick Bayless (Mexico: One Plate at a Time) won the competition...and with black mole. The finale of "Masters" was followed by the first show of "Top Chef: Las Vegas" which looks to be a very exciting season (the fact that it is in one of my favorite places in the whole world helps alot). And already we know who the A**hole is this season, Michael Isabella. There is always one guy who thinks that "girls" can't cook better than him. We will have to see if he gets his balls handed to him by one of the "girl" chefs....go for it ladies.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

They sure make you work for it

I never thought that a well educated person such as myself would be so confused but filing for unemployment has been a struggle. They really make you work for it.

Monday, August 17, 2009

How does this happen?

I saw this sign in my neighborhood and it just seemed funny. My friend and I were wondering if they let it out and and forgot to let it back in.......

Friday, August 14, 2009


I failed to mention in my first post that I am currently unemployed. It was unexpected and I want to give you an idea of what the job market is like because I didn't really know until now. I recently applied for a job where I was given 2 tests as the first step. One test was to check and see if I actually knew how to use job required software, the second was to see if I could do clerical functions like filing, communicating effectively, basic math, etc. When I arrived I found out that 190 people had applied for the one position and only the top three scorers would be recommended for interview. I tried not to let that discourage me and found the tests relatively simple (minus the crazy word problems that I will not torture you with). I did my best and waited with anticipation to see what would happen. The letter that came the following week said "We are pleased to notify you that you have passed all of the required tests..." well then said I scored 90 which makes me eligible, ranking 40. What does that mean? I don't know........What I do know is that 40th out of 190 won't be how I think of myself.

Why "Butter Bits"

You might ask "why butter bits?" Butter was my nickname growing up and it continues to be an influence on me. Since I wanted this to be a generic blog about my life observations I thought Butter Bits summed up many of my interests. I am many things in this life: I'm a foodie, baker, lover of good wine (because life is too short to drink bad wine) and chorus geek. I am hoping that I can amuse, entertain and most of all, teach others with my rants.