Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tony Bourdain: Sellout or Genius?

You be the judge. Before the new season of "No Reservations" I remember seeing his commercials for that search engine from Microsoft (you know which one) and feeling oogey about it. I like to watch the show don't get me wrong, it just makes me laugh to see him pull out his CHASE Sapphire (look, they get another plug) card to pay a bill. It's fun to try to figure out which meal on the show he is going to pull it out for. What is really funny is the sarcastic and cheesy way in which he does it. I am leaning toward genius. After all, we can't all be that lucky. I want a credit card endorsement deal! I certainly have used them enough in my life. I surely have the debt to back up the fact that I use them...I have definitely been paying for my college books for the last 12 years. They need to have lowly bloggers like myself singing the praises of their credit products...or not. Don't worry, I won't be holding my breath, although it would be awesome. For now I will continue trying to find legitimate employment. No instant gratification here. Ah, life.

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