Friday, August 14, 2009


I failed to mention in my first post that I am currently unemployed. It was unexpected and I want to give you an idea of what the job market is like because I didn't really know until now. I recently applied for a job where I was given 2 tests as the first step. One test was to check and see if I actually knew how to use job required software, the second was to see if I could do clerical functions like filing, communicating effectively, basic math, etc. When I arrived I found out that 190 people had applied for the one position and only the top three scorers would be recommended for interview. I tried not to let that discourage me and found the tests relatively simple (minus the crazy word problems that I will not torture you with). I did my best and waited with anticipation to see what would happen. The letter that came the following week said "We are pleased to notify you that you have passed all of the required tests..." well then said I scored 90 which makes me eligible, ranking 40. What does that mean? I don't know........What I do know is that 40th out of 190 won't be how I think of myself.

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