Friday, July 9, 2010

What does it really take?!

No...really. What extremes need to be taken to get the job? In today's job market a good job is the ungettable get...I am finding myself going to lengths I never thought I would have to. So how far do I need to go? How many people do I need to beg for a reference from? Do I burn every bridge I have to get THE job? The answer is yes on all fronts. After a year you begin to get desperate and wonder "how much do I suck?", or "what's wrong with me?" It is so difficult to be confident (and sell yourself like they say you should) after that year. You have litterally applied for hundreds of jobs, and your prospects begin to dwindle. With all of this going on I wonder if I am sacrificing my principles....Am I? Can I even afford these said principles? I don't know. I just know I really really want a job....

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